To see a picture change its face, to look at you, then to disappear whilst telling you about itself is a dream interaction with your collection.
"If Art could Talk" Then what would you hear? What do you want to hear? Yourself? Why not?
What if you could not see, what would you view?, how would you interpret a symbol you have never seen?. If ART was all about the Artist, how much of his work would be true?. If my Art was all about me, how much would I know myself, not to commit suicide?. How would a banana be interpreted by someone without knowledge of a banana?. If I wrote a love song, would I need to be in love?... before or after?.
If I saw an image, and was able to look at the image, and all I saw was the image, would that not be sufficient?... for me to see the image...
"I am without concepts, I am without disciplines, I am without information, I am without prejudices, I am without preferences, I am without needs, I am without hate, I am without love, I am without emotions, I am without education!.... YET!... I know everything and I know nothing. I am pure awareness, I am where I am, I am no where. I exist but cannot be found, because no one looked to find me, because I do not exist with he who has no need to confront himself."
"How much do I like myself, to be with myself, to laugh with myself, to talk with myself, to listen to myself, to know myself, to be kind to myself, to have dinner with myself, to go shopping with myself, to shop for myself, to eat and drink with myself, to nurture myself, to embrace myself, to be happy to see myself, to give myself a great big hug, and then to adore myself".
"Or do I need to surround myself with people claiming to have friends beloved, to be so busy that I cannot get off the phone, because I am so busy to be on the phone, to be so busy that I am terrified to see myself in the mirror, to be so busy that I am afraid of silence, to be so busy that when I am asleep I need to listen to the radio whilst watching the television, to be so busy that I am worried about how busy I am,... and, when I get so busy... I am so busy... So busy, I did not realize that I AM NOT THERE. Then I die regretting that I had fallen for the race of RATS in a HUMAN combat..." Idiot!
-Jiivanii RedMarks- Copyright 2008